Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Seven Daze Later -

          So tell me, what do you do when someone calls you and it's the wrong number?  Do you just hang up?  Do you get snippy and spit out some stinging quip like "Try again, Einstein!".  Do you simply say "That's ok!" all chipper like before you hang up the phone and then once out of hearing range deliver the less than polite "buzz-off".  I'd really like to know.
          Normally, I just say "No problem." and politely hang up unless it's after 10 pm and before 7am.  I mean, honestly, wrong numbers between those times are almost impossible for anyone to deal with calmly.  I wager to say even the most saintly person you know has shredded someone's ear at 3:00 am for a wrong number.
          On to my point - what if those are not wrong numbers, but instead people we have yet to meet that are in need?  People to whom we can minister!
          This past week, that very thing has occurred!  Last Wednesday night at church we closed with a prayer and as usual I asked that God would set those "divine appointments" for us to be able to minister to those in need and share the Love of Christ as He shared with us.  (Side note: be careful what you pray for!)  Later that night around 10:30 pm I received a text message, but my Blackberry was on silent so it didn't wake me up and I didn't notice it until about 7am on Thursday.  It said:

Dec 9 2009 10:36 pm
Had the twins earlier tonight. Megan did awesome! Baby a was 5 lbs 4 oz and baby b was 4 lbs 6 oz. Still no names set n stone.

          So, I immediately started thinking "who in the world have I forgotten about that was having twins!!!".  It took me a minute to think that it was probably a text sent to the wrong number.  I sent off a congratulations text along with a "Who is this???" comment. About an hour later I received this:

Dec 10 2009 8:48 am

     It was short and to the point.  Finally, I knew that it was Louie who had sent the message.  Wonderful!  Louie and his wife had their twins last night!  How glorious!  I bet Louie and his wife are ecstatic!  Uhhhmmm.  Who's Louie??!!  I mean, the only Louie I know would be my oldest brother, but he goes by Louis and I know his girlfriend isn't pregnant, so .... again.  Who's Louie?

          Well, Louie and I have gotten to know each other just a little bit this past week.  Louie is an answered prayer and he doesn't even know it.  You see, Louie thanked me for praying for him and his family.  He said he needed it.  It seems that one of the girls is suspected of having Downs Syndrome and they tested her and haven't found out the results.  He asked me to continue to pray for them.  Baby "A" and Baby "B" are now Emma Grace and Bailey Elizabeth.  Louie and his wife, Megan, are really scared.  I have been praying for them every day and Sunday morning, just before the sermon I asked everyone who had a piece of paper and something to write with to write down their names.  Louie even gave me his last name, but out of respect for him and his family, that part I will not reveal publicly.  We prayed for the entire family and I asked those there to continue lifting them up, asking God's Will be done but petitioning that for God's Praise, God's Honor, and for God's Glorification that little Emma Grace be in full health and free of this affliction.

          Louie was supposed to find out Saturday but was told they wouldn't know until Monday.  I just sent him a text before I began this blog tonight.  Louie & Megan, where ever you are, know that myself and the loving church of Smyrna Baptist are blanketing you in our prayers. 

Thank you God for your divine appointments.  Lord, forgive me of all my sins and especially when you send someone into my path for me to minister unto in Your Glorious Name and I fail to do so.  Lord, please continue to use me.  Create for me those divine appointments and allow me to serve others and share the Love of Jesus Christ just as Christ shared that Love with us.  In Christ's Name, Amen!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And so it begins.

And so it begins. This morning, I woke up 40. Wow, that doesn't even seem possible. As I sit here after a wonderful 40th birthday, I wonder how 40 years got here. Or should I say, how did *I* get through 40 years. I barely feel like I'm out of my twenties most of the time.

So why now? Why all of a sudden do I feel the need to join the world of bloggers? Is this just a modern day version of writing a letter and then throwing it away? I can't imagine it would be since it's released out into the world for all to see. The idea of writing a letter and throwing it away is to release those feelings and forget them, not place them in the public eye and solicit critisms. So then what? Is this a vain and grandious belief that there are those out there who actually care about what *I* have to say? Or is this the technological equivalent of releasing a hundred helium ballons with my address on them seeking connection with someone beyond my local isolated world? Am I here at 11:20 at night because I watched "The Shawshank Redemption" last night and feel it's time to get busy living or get busy dying. Maybe because I just watched "Julie and Julia" and felt it was the right time to start.

Last night my wonderful wife playfully asked me if I really wanted to go to bed. When I asked "Why?", she replied "Because you'll wake up when your 40!". After a day filled with nonstop contemplation, I realize those words hold more truth to them than I originally gave them.

Actually, as I write this, inside I hope it awakens that portion of me which I have let slumber, resting peacefully, until now. Awake and ready for a new day.

Awakened by the roaring sound of 40 candles being blown out.