Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And so it begins.

And so it begins. This morning, I woke up 40. Wow, that doesn't even seem possible. As I sit here after a wonderful 40th birthday, I wonder how 40 years got here. Or should I say, how did *I* get through 40 years. I barely feel like I'm out of my twenties most of the time.

So why now? Why all of a sudden do I feel the need to join the world of bloggers? Is this just a modern day version of writing a letter and then throwing it away? I can't imagine it would be since it's released out into the world for all to see. The idea of writing a letter and throwing it away is to release those feelings and forget them, not place them in the public eye and solicit critisms. So then what? Is this a vain and grandious belief that there are those out there who actually care about what *I* have to say? Or is this the technological equivalent of releasing a hundred helium ballons with my address on them seeking connection with someone beyond my local isolated world? Am I here at 11:20 at night because I watched "The Shawshank Redemption" last night and feel it's time to get busy living or get busy dying. Maybe because I just watched "Julie and Julia" and felt it was the right time to start.

Last night my wonderful wife playfully asked me if I really wanted to go to bed. When I asked "Why?", she replied "Because you'll wake up when your 40!". After a day filled with nonstop contemplation, I realize those words hold more truth to them than I originally gave them.

Actually, as I write this, inside I hope it awakens that portion of me which I have let slumber, resting peacefully, until now. Awake and ready for a new day.

Awakened by the roaring sound of 40 candles being blown out.

1 comment:

  1. Good article. I can see your personality in the article and that is one thing blogging is all about. It is also a good venue to get something you feel strongly about out in the public. Check out Kevin's blog at www.revkevhamilton.blogspot.com. He's hilarious!
