Monday, April 11, 2011

69 Weeks Fly By!

Wow!  It literally seems like a month ago tha I last blogged.  But after looking at the posts I realize I haven't been here since December of 2009.  Ok, so I've been a little busy and mostly posting on facebook. 

Good news, I'm back.  Don't know for how long, but I'm back.

So, what's been going on with you over the last 16 months?  Me?  Oh well, that.  It seems that not long after my last blog, Leigh Ann and I had our third child, or as I like to put it, "Our last child".  Mazie Leigh Werner was born on January 15th, 2010.  So you can start to see why I've been a little busy.  None the less I really enjoy writing and I've wanted to get back to it for a while and so here goes. 

As I write this blog it still amazes me that it would be viewed at all.  Of all the voices in the world today, and all those throughout history, who would care to hear mine.  Actually, I don't believe I have much wisdom or sagely advice to pass on.  The only wisdom I hold is that which I have received from God's Word.  So, for today, here is what's on my mind.

At what age do we stop being foolish children and show wisdom in our decisions while still retaining enough youth to do something productive with it?  It's something I've wondered for quite sometime.  I really wonder if I'll ever reach that point or if that point in my life has already passed.

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